The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has empowered the organizations to execute operation smoothly for sure. The innovation lead by digitalization in the processes and procedures is further encouraging organizations and enterprise to manage content easily with advanced strategies.
Moreover, the digitalization has created a tough competition between the business offering seamless user experience to the visitors. Hence, most of the tech-savvy businesses have started to adopt web Content Management Systems (CMS) to assure that websites content get revived, organized, and preformatted in an easy and efficient way. And this has been possible only with advanced CMS.
Content management software allows to organize and manage the website content in the most organized way. With the digital revolution, it has become necessary to use advanced CMS to improve offerings and balance the ever-increasing demands of users.
Hence, CMS has always evolved to fit the needs of the end-users and the need to deliver content across different channels.
With the advancing tech arena, the organization must adopt new technology to manage their content. In this blog let's explore trends that will influence the development, integration, and usability of CMS in 2019.
Artificial Intelligence:
The immense popularity and adoption of AI cannot be overlooked. Some of the new application based on AI unfolds how it can benefit business to store and access content. AI technology will be beneficial in content production and the need for management for the same.
Techcrunch further strongly favors AI and reveals that the "growth in the collection of content will make it easier for AI tools to organize data in 2019". The AI algorithms will tend to transform better on large sets of data.
The recent partnership between Box and Google is the perfect paragon, where images will be tagged automatically as soon it will get uploaded. Here, the image recognition tool will recognize text and other information in images and get it stored accordingly.
Chatbots driven by AI will help users in exploring the relevant information they need. Further, Gartner forecasts that more than half of enterprises will be spending more on chatbots than on Mobile App Development, by 2021.
Using chatbots for easily automated content quests will free up employees for significant customer engagement.
Headless CMS:
The New trend in CMS prevailing these days are headless CMS. This emphasizes delivering a significant business solution. Apart from this with the cloud-first headless CMS, you are not only confined to the website update, but you can also explore unique prospects like Chatbots, Virtual reality, IoT or wearables, Mobile applications development and etc.
The cloud infrastructure also supports rapid application development capabilities thus supports multi-channel content delivery which is flexible according to digital business.
Must Read: 5 Benefits Of Choosing A CMS Website Design And Development
AI is considered to be another key trend for Personalisation.
For Instance; In e-commerce, the study by Accenture observed that 75% of customers favor businesses to acknowledge their details like name, also recognizes the purchase history and recommend things based on history.
It is also expected that Personalisation programmes also boost revenue by 10%. When the CMS is managed in the appropriate direction for the business case personalization, the possibilities are unlimited.
To effectively personalize users experience using CMS, different data must be concentrated. This includes search keywords, on-site browsing data and explicit user data such as the information collected in forms.
The CMS can allow users choices for recommended content to meet their requirements and preferences.
In the example of the retail industry, it has been revealed that personalization in CMS empowers companies to propose targeted rewards to customers and that can be customized to make the rewards location-specific, and other similar instance.
Leverage Augmented Reality with CMS:
Today, it more of a mandate for the Enterprise Content Management System to embrace AR/VR capabilities (different industry verticals such as hospitality, real estate, retail, manufacturing and etc.).
Using services like 3D modeling, manufactures and retailers can digitally deliver real objects into simulations or builders can present various properties with several finishes, on a single screen. It proves to be a prominent differentiator for presenting delightful customer experiences and magnify branding.
In today's digital world, implementing an enterprise level CMS Development Trend has become an essential element for the growth of an organization. With features like easy customization and enhanced flexibility, it is worth every penny invested in it.
Further, with the regular improvisations, integrations with latest technologies and prolific support from online developer communities, CMS improves the operational efficiency of organizations.
A good CMS is one that poses features, which helps marketers and developers to collude and refresh content in a simple organized process. And for customers, it enables an effortless website navigation website from any device or location.
Well, it's necessary to understand the latest trends pertaining in industry, as it can help to choose the advanced CMS that offers features that make it easier for businesses marketers to design and organize content.
When you?re putting together the business, try to improve your CMS ? or start from scratch ? after understanding the needs. Hire top website development company like Root Info Solutions - highly profession in application development and also in assisting to choose the best CMS for your website development.