Android, iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry OS... customers are dispersed and divided but Nikhil Juneja, Chief Technical Officer at Root Info Solutions, believes that the tech boundaries can be dissolved with PhoneGap.
PhoneGap - the name itself echoes the sense of its being. And what it says, is loud and clear. Isn't it?
Yes, this is the single mobile application development framework that has the potential to fill the gaps or voids in the multi-phone devices culture, which emerged, and is still emerging, on account of rivalry among phone manufacturers and operating system developers. The picture is so clear that even if you ask your 6-7 year-old-kid to name a few phones, he or she will take no time in listing Android, iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and so on. The inter-brand competition benefited consumers but disrupted businesses, marketers, publishers and advertisers, as to target dispersed audiences and customers, across different platforms or devices, required building different mobile apps ? resulting in increased marketing investment. Android apps were not compatible with iOS, and that of iOS were not good enough to run on Android.
Thankfully, PhoneGap by Apache Cordova team of Adobe, offers the much-required breakthrough. Leveraging PhoneGap Build, the cloud-based platform that compiles web technology elements, viz., HTML, CSS and JavaScript for different targeted platforms, mobile app developers can build an app and get it deployed across different platforms without any complexity. Yes, the tiring job of working with native SDKs (Software Development Kits) is a past now.
In fact, PhoneGap has heralded a new era and made the term cross-platform for the first time relevant for the mobile application development vertical.
Let me give you a walk through of the key advantages of building PhoneGap mobile applications.
The Web was much before in existence, the time when the world was alien to mobiles and mobile apps. Likewise, there was no tech cohort to be called as a mobile application development team. By roping in the Web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, PhoneGap has given a free hand to web developers to use their years of expertise into developing stunning mobile apps that are acknowledged and accepted well by the Internet. Using the single code base, mobile app developers can target different platforms.
Blurring the technological dividing line means getting access to a wider range of audience, prospects and customers. Thus, PhoneGap empowers businesses to extend their reach with cross-platform mobile apps and that's too without burning a hole in their pocket.
The inclusion of Web-based technologies like HTML, CSS and Javascript doesn't deteriorate the capability of mobile application developers in terms of using native device APIs like camera, GPS, accelerometer and more. Thus, consumers can have the same native experience.
PhoneGap, being a free and open source framework, has an ever growing community of emerging and experienced mobile app developers, who are ready to help to address any bugs and issues. The regular release of updates, plugins and tools keep PhoneGap fresh, robust and secure.
Hope you would agree with the blog theme PhoneGap Blurs the Lines Amidst Mobile Operating Systems. Have a say? Do share it in the comment box.
I'm signing off the day; will be back soon with more updates on cross-platfrom mobile app development.