According to Charity Navigator, a US-based nonprofit watchdog that evaluates the performance of charities based on their financial health, accountability and transparency, here is the list of top 10 charities in the country.
1. Doctors Without Borders, USA
2. American Red Cross
3. The Nature Conservancy
4. World Wildlife Fund
5. Natural Resources Defense Council
7. Save the Children
8. ALSAC - St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
9. World Vision
10. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Wondering what is the commonality amidst them? Well, they all have a sound web presence. Now, the title of the blog might sound awkward to you. You might argue that when for everything in the world there is a website then what?s special if these nonprofit organizations or charities have it. You are not wrong, but the role played by their website in their success is something that can't be overlooked.
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They are doing wonderful jobs in their respective fields with support from their volunteers and donors. Let?s see how the web technology is helping them to achieve their missions.
Web fuels cause awareness
Dedication and passion have no substitute in the world, but the role of Web technology can?t be underestimated in any manner. The growing penetration of the Internet and adoption of digital devices provide further support to the charities operating today.
Stimulating the society for a cause through print, TV, and radio was not just a tedious process but also a costly proposition, and that too with little penetration in remote areas. But, with a responsive website, it has become utterly easier for nonprofits to establish communication with their target audiences - community, volunteers, donors, and partners.
Whether it?s garnering support from volunteers or donors for Hurricane Harvey, or protecting the rights of children across the globe, or improving the lives of underprivileged, these nonprofits make good of the web development frameworks.
Web retains volunteers and supporters
This is important if you really want to build a sustainable and successful organization. If you are a charity owner, there could be no better way than resorting to web-based communication to maintain transparency in what you do and how you do that. With a content management website built with Drupal or WordPress, you can keep the audience informed about your every move and service. The website also helps in gaining more subscribers and donors through social media. The social is such a disruptive technology that you hardly need to ask for it from your website development company.
Web complements offline donation
The total giving in the year 2015 reached 2% of the overall GDP in the US. Does it mean, fundraising has gone easier. In no way. Today donors are more informed and they love spending their money at the right place.
If you think that web is dead in the wake of growing influence of mobile and mobile apps, you could be wrong. Consumers today before making any online or offline donation are most likely to review your website. So, it?s a must that you have got a good web presence. Pay subtle attention towards finding the right talents for non-profit web design and development and also make sure that they are well acquainted with your missions and visions.
Mobile apps might have become the rage, but they can?t work in isolation. A sound web presence complements the non profit mobility strategy and fuels the engagement, fundraising and other conversion goals. However, it?s a million dollar question that how accessible the website is across different devices, how well does the content management system work for the nonprofit.