Over 55% of visitors quit a website within 15 seconds. Shekhar Juneja, Co-Founder, Root Info Solutions (RIS), claims that Angular JS 2 web application development can fix the problem for you.
A website is nothing but the voice of a company. But what if the voice is not worth getting an attention? Failed marketing, failed conversion, lost business, lost revenue, ... and everything that you don't want.
The Web is overcrowded today. In fact, there are over 1 billion websites in the world, and you don't know of them how many are websites where your prospects or customers can shift to after quitting or abandoning yours. What to do? One out right answer is -- improve User-Experience (UX).
Before you plunge into the host of benefits and rewards that it brings to help you make a difference in the crowd, it would be ideal to know its fundamental aspect. AngularJS is among the most popular open source JavaScript frameworks in the world of web application development.
Cross-Platform Compatibility
Users today own multiple devices, and even their one task, say shopping a laptop, is not confined to one device. They may access and review product information on one device, add to cart or wishlist on the next and then make the purchase on another. What if your website is not compatible with any one of the devices used? Angular JS 2 web application development fixes the problem for you as it helps in building a fully responsive website that can adapt to any display-size, operating system, and browser type and version.
Global Accessibility
Angular JS web application development team at Root Info Solutions is competent in leveraging the i18n (Internationalization) and 10n (Localization) standards to help your website penetrate deeper in any particular cultural and linguistic market.
Clear Navigation Structure
Poor navigation is also one of the reasons users quit a website. But not anymore because with Angular JS 2 web application development users can access information without facing any mess. The framework provisions a well-planned strategy to make menus, sub-menus, and so on to make the website content easily accessible.
Faster Loading
If your website is losing visitors due to higher loading time, then Angular JS 2 web application development from RIS can help you fix it. Irrespective of the multimedia content it houses, and the browser you have, achieve lightning speed to have the best first impression on your audience. It favors server-side pre-rendering, offline compile for fast startup, ultrafast change detection, and view coaching.
Faster Development
Being an Angular JS development company, we take advantage of simplified syntax structure offered with the lastest framework. Structure-rich templates and its built-in components are readable and easy to understand. It also houses ngUpgrade APIs to favor upgrading a web application developed in Angular 1 by mixing in Angular 2 components, directives, pipes, services, etc.
Hope you found the Angular JS 2 features useful. Do share your views in the drop box below. We'll be back soon with more technology insights. Stay tuned!+