So you have got an app idea? And, you want to target the world?s best mobile platform, that is, iOS, but, are clueless as how much it will cost, or what amount an iPhone application development company or an iPhone developer will charge for its development or creation? If these queries are boggling your mind, we have got the answer for you.
The estimates that we are offering are based on 700+ projects that we have delivered. The budgets aren?t necessarily specific to how much it costs to work with an agency, studio, or freelancer, but it does provide insight on what costs to expect when you are roping in certain features in your app. To keep it simple, we will include only fundamental features of an iPhone or iPad app.
The actual cost will vary depending on specific functionalities of your app. Contact info@rootinfosol.com o to discuss your requirements and get the right budget.
Continue reading to know the tentative cost of your app.
1. Do people have to log in?
How do you want users to register, sign-up or sign-in with your app? Well, the shorter you keep the process, the better you make the onboarding and user experience. There are multiple windows to welcome users: Email, Social(Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn), mobile number or QR code. Creating the login process would require a budget between $100 and $200.
2. Do people create personal profiles?
A personal profile is a good way to build rapport with the users as it allows you to understand the users and customize your offerings to match his or her needs, interests and preferences. So, it?s something that you can?t afford to skip in your iPhone or iPad app. As the profile is viewed publically. Hence, mention the need for security settings or configuration in your iOS app development project. The development cost often falls between $100 and $250.
3. How will you make money from your app?
Is your app free? If not, what app monetization techniques do you have in mind? Will you charge the amount upfront or route users through in-app purchases? If your app is free, then obviously this step is redundant for you. Otherwise, you need to pay for it. Your iPhone developers will be required to integrate a payment gateway that is easy-to-use and offer flexibility to users regarding payment processing. The in-app purchase process will increase the number of screens and number of hours of coding as well. The typical budget for it comes between $200 and $ 500.
Must read: How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Chatbot Application
4. Do people rate or review things?
Keep in mind; ranking systems can vary in complexity and thus impact your budget. There are two ways. First, straightforward include rating icons like stars and make users enter their comments; and second, route the users through a questionnaire and request him or her to rate the service or the app on a scale measuring 0 to 10. The later, obviously, provides deeper insights but it will increase your budget to some extent. The integration of a normal feedback or review feature may cost you around $100, while the comprehensive ones will take the budget to $250.
5. Does your app need to connect to your website?
If you are providing an in-app link to your website, you need to make an API (or Application Programming Interface. Usually, your iOS developer will prefer to use a third-party API to save his or her development time. If it?s so, the integration charges would be $ 10 to $ 20.
6. How nice should your app look?
What kind of custom gestures, custom buttons, and custom transitions you want to build, and how serious you are about their quality will influence your iPhone app development budget. Creating a normal app with eight to 10 screens takes around 50 to 60 hours. So, even if you hire a UI-UX designer for $ 10 per hour (which is the lowest in the industry as per Upwork), it will cost around $ 500 to $600.
7. Do you need an app icon?
Designing a quality app icon typically ranges from $500 - $2,000. It might sound like an extra expense, but it?s a proven fact that an impressive icon makes a lot of difference to the number of downloads. Hene, it?s worth investing.
Concluding Price
Adding the cost of all the features discussed above, we get the minimum budget of iPhone app development as $ 1010 and the maximum as $3, 820. Now, the cost that you got is for the fundamental features only. It has to be clubbed together with the cost required to build app-specific features.
Disclaimer: The content published here is just for marketing purpose to give website users a rough idea on the technology budget, it doesn?t claim that Root Info Solutions copies, clones, modifies, alters any existing codes, or performs a reverse-engineering to create such an app. We create an app from scratch based on the idea and requirements of our clients.